The solution of the problems experienced and the rise of societies can only be realized with the increase of people’s awareness and taking responsibility. Awareness will also improve people’s ability to compromise and act together, and it will be understood that people are members of a large humanity family in an interconnected wholeness, almost like cells of a single body.
Consciousness of unity and wholeness among people is symbolized in the emblem by the only person, the true HUMAN who is at peace with himself and his environment. Humanity, which has developed the values of responsibility and sharing, will be able to realize the desired progress.
Raising of the WORLD by a single person who is symbolizing the entire humanity family, is a symbol of longed progress. This progress will pave the way for the revival of the ancient, original and universal values of humanity and the formation of a new “understanding of humanity” by adding new values to the world. Thus, the birth of a higher and inclusive consciousness will be ensured. This new birth is symbolized by the SUN in the emblem.