In order to serve the awareness of individual and social development, the School of Art and Culture, prepares an environment and creates space that supports the rise of the consciousness of being, so that HUMAN can realize the infinite and creative potential(s) existing within, and understand, reveal and express its true value.

The School of Art and Culture, through its activities Creates environments that give rise to an awareness so that the individual can recognize the self-created habits, mental patterns and learned helplessness and see their true potential.


Working for the vision, mission and goals of the Sun of Wisdom Association and the Sun of Humanity Foundation, via the School of Art and Culture;

  1. Develops and increases original and efficient ‘multiple expression forms’,
  2. Uses the ‘dynamic and unifying aspect’ of art and culture more,
  3. Adds the ferment of humor and joy into all kinds of work,
  4. To develop new and creative ‘metaphors’, produces
    • WRITTEN: short and concise articles, poems, stories, fables, sayings …
    • VOICE: short conversations, poetry, prose and similar audio readings with musical accompaniment…
    • IMAGE: Visual recordings (seminar, special and original conversations), small dramas, shadow/light plays (producing a new shadow play), ‘thinking with shapes – shaping thought’ creative products, short film shoots, mini plays, etc.
    • KINESTHETICS: puppets, toys, cards, new games.
  1. Creates all kinds of creative ‘expression forms’ in digital media (web etc.),
  2. Serves to establish the infrastructure of our ‘universal cultural center project’, which is one of the major goals of BGD and IGV, where world cultures can be exhibited in unity and integrity while preserving their originality.

AOK is a social technology workshop that creates space for collective consciousness by learning, thinking and producing together. Based on the culture of dialogue, it aims to think and produce together and add value to society on issues related to nature, society and humanity, with individual, social and corporate awareness.
  • Uses the basic principles and the method of The World Café,
  • Themes and questions are shaped in line with IGV or other institutions,
  • Cafe practice;
    • Hosts the dialogue with ‘important questions that add value’,
    • ‘Thinking, learning and producing together while having fun’,
    • ‘Shaping our future together through value-adding dialogues’
    • It aims to have conversations that ‘evoke multiple wisdoms and participatory action’.
  • As participants move between tables and share their ideas and opinions during the cafe, it provides an environment for ‘cross-pollination’ to occur and the ‘bond and integrity created in the environment’to become more visible and accessible.
  • It is based on participants’ ensuring as much and deep participation as possible in a friendly, comfortable and fun environment.
  • In order to make the whole process more creative, it uses the ‘visual thinking method’, which we call pictosight’, and records the resulting products in written and visual forms.

Researches the people and sages who lived and kept alive the ancient values ​​of Anatolia, by compiling their information and publishing it on the digital platform in order to make visible the potential of ANAFENER to guide the emerging new understanding of humanity.

It enables different perspectives to be revealed by creating a common space within the framework of the same subject. Includes the following tasks;

  1. Scanning existing studies and creating an inventory of Anatolia’s Bright Lighthouses
  2. Grouping of Bright Lighthouses of Anatolia.
  3. Selecting and creating Horizontal and Vertical information sets to be included in the digital platform.
  4. Creating the technical infrastructure with a map appropriate to the needs
  5. If the 3rd and 4th items cannot be realized, the content resulting from the 1-2 items should be transformed into a product (turning it into a creative booklet by storytelling – Target Audience: CHILD or ADULT), etc.).

Aims to transform the cummulative knowledge that constitutes the ‘Corporate Memory’ of BGD and IGV into written, verbal and visual elements by adapting them to the conditions of the day, and to develop and share new, original products from them within a thematic framework.

  • Corporate Information Library: Transforms the current knowledge in our archive into written, verbal and visual elements by adapting them to the conditions of the day.
  • Corporate Identity and Communication: Using the entire archive; develops and shares products within new and original thematic frameworks in order to make our corporate communication (as an expression of our corporate identity) visible and strengthen it.

It creates an environment for us to realize, reveal and express the creative potential within us in order to serve individual and social development awareness.

It activates the creative potential of the individual with predetermined or undetermined topics and themes, using writing, drawing, drama, games and various forms of expression as metaphors. It creates an environment to develop applied skills to produce creative solutions to problems and questions.

Conducts full-day Workshops at least once a month during a working period. The main contents of the Workshops are as follows, and under each main heading there are subheadings and application methods below:

  1. Awareness Raising Event
  2. Communication and Expression Skills Development Activity
  3. Drama / Game Activity
  4. Learning and Applying Problem Solving Methods Activity
  5. Manual Skills Development Activity
  6. Preliminary Studies Event
  7. Activity in supporting Foundation’sCREATIVITY WORKSHOP: Projects

Serves expressing ourselves more effectively by improving writing skills and contributing to the internalization of our common values.

  • It enables different perspectives to be revealed by creating a common space within the framework of the same subject.
  • It ensures better quality and effectiveness by mutually discussing and criticizing the products.
  • Ensures development by evaluating and completing the writing written by each participant together.

In general, mandala means drawing and painting shapes according to a certain order. Mandala consists of shapes starting from the center and expanding outwards in circles. Mandalas, which symbolize the mystical center of everything, are also used as a meditation method. The word itself means “circle”. The person who draws the mandala symbolizes his or her life with the mandala. Therefore, we can think that developing and differentiating mandalas are our paths in life. Mandala is a kind of journey of discovery consisting of personal creativity, awareness and inner development processes. Thanks to mandala drawings, we can realize our inner depths and reveal the mysteries of our subconscious. Mandala also is defined as a “container that stores energy”. It is believed that our feelings, intentions, wishes and prayers while making the mandala are recorded by this mandala. Mandala;

  • Increases awareness and concentration,
  • Allows to experience the moment,
  • Calms the mind,
  • Provides practice of right and left brain working together,
  • Increases manual skills, visual memory, creativity and self-confidence,
  • Contributes to the reduction of stress, anxiety, fear and depression,
  • Contributes to the experience of inner peace and tranquility,
  • It improves our quality of patience,
  • It helps strengthen social relationships and have a pleasant time.

It works with the aim of transforming IU’s contents into a visual expression through an original and creative expression within a holistic perspective.

  • Develops manual dexterity by learning the Basic Principles of Drawing
  • Makes original and creative visual expressions to make the content of IU Activities more understandable.

Serves to raise awareness by using the puppet method, which is one of the effective and creative ways of expressions in individual and social development.

  • Crafts puppets using various materials and methods.
  • Writes and presents puppet theater scripts.

Prepares the message of the institution, within the framework of its vision and mission, through sound recordings, conversations and various programs in an integrated common language and meaning, and makes it ready for broadcast in appropriate environments. 

radioM broadcasts within the framework of ‘Corporate Communication’ and in the following categories:

  • In cooperation with the activities of the University of Humanity, it voices existing and/or new products and prepares them for publication.
  • In the context of Corporate Integrity, prepares sound recording products for individual and social development for publication.
  • Sound records the special and original conversations with our members about our common values ​​and prepares them for broadcast.
  • Performs the original recordings of İGV and BGD as needed and prepares them for broadcast.

In line with the common values ​​of BGD and İGV; Serves to discover and recognize the cultural-historical values ​​of the society we live in; Serves forinternal and external social harmony by creating social and cultural sharing environments among our members and participants.

  • In addition to our routine activities, carries out activities to improve the sense of trust, sharing and responsibility among our members and participants, creates new areas of interest and develops social skills.
  • CULTURE: Carries out cultural activities in order to discover and recognize the cultural and artisticvalues ​​of the society we live in, ancient Anatolia, and contributes to their development.